LRE NOTES: when i circulated a petition for speed humps on my street a few years ago, the santa clara city council refused to install them because of two neighbors who objected; so what about the 45,000+ people who signed that petition a few years back objecting to new development in coyote valley? - or how about the petition against paving the NATURAL pond @ 1333 lawrence expressway which was not only ignored by the santa clara city council, but STOLEN as well!? - or the hundreds of neighbors who signed a petition objecting to the new kaiser at lawrence expressway and homestead road? - or the hundreds of neighbors who likely object to this proposed new behemoth monstrosity at 3700 halford? [see below] - and what about the hundreds of neighbors who will be exposed to excessive levels of carcinogenic diesel exhaust from the construction zone? - you know; i recently heard that government-run organization ABAG coming to the rescue of our localities by projecting population figures many years in advance to open the door for more high-density development here in the silicon valley and elsewhere in the bay area [to claim that the servant is not about his masters' business is ludicrous] but the inconvenient truth ABAG fails to realize is that the population figures they project are exactly what is going to throw mother nature over the edge and out of balance once and literally for all, and this is a FACT that cannot be ignored (click here X) - and why isn't the san jose mercury news telling you about any of this; the largest slated development in recent history? - i think i know know; the mercury-news will tell you all about land battles over in san benito county, but what about way over here in santa clara county?...i'll tell you what; if the city of santa clara plans on heavy-handedly shoving this behemoth monstrosity down our neighborhoods' collective throat, then they had better plan on requiring the developer to shove some increased traffic calming devices down our neighborhoods' throats as well (like traffic circles, crosswalk signs and low-impact cupertino-style speed humps etc - see: 14 jun 2006 / MOUNTAIN VIEW TRAFFIC CIRCLES) - but let's face it; i have tried unsuccessfully for perhaps two years to get an upright crosswalk sign installed on my street - (see: 14 jun 2006 / WHAT CROSSWALK SIGN?) and just what was the santa clara police departments' obvious retaliatory response to this june 14th 2006 posting?; A RACIST SANTA CLARA COP WITH A NAZI AGENDA THREW ME DOWN IN THE SAME CROSSWALK A FEW HOURS LATER AND ARRESTED ME!? - later on while waiting inside the holding cell, the officer entered the cell looking white as a ghost, like he had just been chewed out by his boss, and apologized before i was let go - he had made a bunch of insulting and/or potentially humiliating comments during my encounters with him - in other words; only humiliating to someone with no self esteem - as did many other santa clara officers i dealt with, questionably questioning my life choice of playing music ect (you know; all i can say is THANK GOD i'm not a violent nazi zombie pig cop, you know? - the truth is that society cannot survive without musicians and/or good cops, SO DEAL WITH IT!) - anyway; on the other hand, i put on my very best eddie haskell impression and told his cop ego what it wanted to hear to get the fuck out of there - all charges were later dropped ~ the biggest mistake i made was initially contacting the city of santa clara about my neighbor's animal abuse instead of santa clara county, as i was told by a reliable source that most cities (and especially the city of santa clara) are not as concerned with protecting animals as the county - for instance; years back while delivering magazines i witnessed some pigeons being poisoned in a parking lot - much like what i witnessed my neighbor doing - and called the humane society, who eventually caught the culprit; someone who for whatever reason did not like pigeons [interesting facts: deputy district attorney karen sinunu took a leave of absence the day of my arrest to begin working on her campaign for SC county DA ~ and! i posted a rather inflammatory campaign ad even by my standards (click here) just a few weeks before the bogus arrest and it helped santa clara mayor patricia mahan lose her campaign for supervisor, and sure; it is a bit much, but no different than the SEX PISTOLS being arrested after releasing GOD SAVE THE QUEEN - and while i actually like queen elizabeth II, this is something i see in a different light now because i recently purchased the authorized story of NEVER MIND THE BULLOCKS - HERE'S THE SEX PISTOLS on dvd and now it all makes perfect sense; it is funny how history seems to repeat itself, but the question is this: were those santa clara cops working under direct orders from queen mahan, or were they working on their own volition for DER FUEHRER?!] - all i can say is this; i had been in almost constant contact with SCPD's internal affairs for weeks ahead of this incident and was acting based on our conversations; and the officer-in-trouble's agreement was to finally patrol the neighborhood for speeding, and he has never kept up his end of the deal, but it doesn't matter because he is a cop and can pretty much get away with murder if he so chooses) - now they face a possible major civil rights lawsuit for their violent, retaliatory and obvious discriminatory actions (read this ~ and this) - also!; santa clara traffic engineering PROMISED increased traffic calming measures at the old santa clara library during a neighborhood meeting a few years back, but never followed through with it (likely because of a conflict of interest that could exist between the city of santa clara and one particular traffic engineer who happens to live in the neighborhood - a traffic engineer who does traffic studies all day everywhere else but in his own neighborhood; a traffic engineer who doesn't want a speed hump outside of his house even if the whole neighborhood does - FACE REALITY!: these streets were designed in the early 1960s, and it is now the year 2007; time to upgrade city of santa clara! - and besides; cops have better things to do then watch grown adults act like teenagers flagrantly breaking the speed laws, do they not? - but! what are the traffic cops going to do when they are eventually outmoded by traffic calming devices?...hmmm) - or how about that recent decision made by the 49ers about a possible move to santa clara made public the day after the november 2006 election?...why is this happening as well?; first off - likely because san francisco politician nancy pelosi is now the speaker of the house and somebody is pissed off about it, but also perhaps because san francisco is a true democracy where the voice of the people actually matters, and santa clara is not; rumor has it that santa clara is a city of shady backroom bribery deals and pay-offs, and BIG MONEY likes this kind of thing (i have heard rumors that the debartolo family fortune started out as organized crime money, then was later 'legitimately' invested in shopping malls back east - how do you think the 49ers won 5 super bowls, and why do you think there are now NFL salary caps? - also; we must remember that the 49ers training camp used to be in santa clara until just a few years ago, so their organization is already somewhat familiar with the city - and therefore likely to be in cahoots with local leadership - i am not necessarily against the 49ers moving to santa clara, just against the way they are going about it) - but on the other hand; san francisco is much like santa cruz and berkeley; it is a city of loud and proud dissenters and bloggers who make a difference...and while it is not good to generalize; the city of santa clara is largely a retirement community made up of folks who sort of blindly trust their local government due to the lack of dissenting publications (other than mine) and the lack of dissenting local TV media coverage - and while there are some good cops in santa clara, the police force in general is a little bit nazi and would be inclined to blow your protesting head off at the drop of a hat and then receive medals for it (SC cops blew away some teenager coming home from work last year!? - you know; why do some get the death penalty only after years of court appeals; and others get the death penalty on the street with no due process in an officer involved shooting?), then turn around and deem you as being mentally unstable as you lie in your coffin for showing your vapid dissent to avoid a lawsuit, much like what happened to the naked guy; a very publically free individual who (much like me); was very purposefully tortured with incarceration down at the 'department of corrections' for his individual interpretation of the pursuit of happiness and behavioral dissent etc, and also (unlike me) wrongfully deemed as a 'sex offender' (naked is not sex) by those puritanical church folks running our local government (FACT: part of the NWO mandate is to 'classify' all individuals, then strip those same individuals of what makes them unique, and to also portray passionate dissenters as being crazy or unstable so they can either be; a) put on psychoactive drugs to make them more controllable or - b) incarcerated, even though dissent and decorum are two entirely different words that do not belong in the same building together) - related links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 X - what's up doc? 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