PROTECTING AND DEFENDING THE HOMELAND!!! - published 19 aug 2004 - updated 12 jun 2006



> 12 jun 2006 / THE LAKE TERRACE APARTMENTS - i recently got word from deep throat that the previous lake terrace apartment grounds maintenance worker was killing baby ducks, and this is one of the reasons he was terminated - so if anyone observes ANY animal cruelty taking place on the grounds of the lake terrace apartment complex grounds or in the surrounding area (or anywhere for that matter) create a video with your windows movie maker program then email the wmv. video file to email@likroper.com (or mail a hard copy cdr to: LRE - po box 3617 - santa clara, ca - 95055-3617) and i will post it on this web page - thank you... 

> 11 may 2006 / SANTA CLARA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING - and after two years of waiting; a santa clara unified school district (SCUSD) meeting regarding the future of the peterson field was held on thursday may 11, 2006 @ 7 pm at the SCUSD headquarters in santa clara, and there were several options discussed including: a) selling off 1/3 to developers and building 35 new homes - b) allowing the mountain view/los altos soccer club to develop 1/2 of the property for their own exclusive use - c) converting some of the property into agricultural land - and d) allowing local youth leagues to develop all 24 acres in cooperation with; 1) the local community - 2) each other - and 3) the school districts' needs etc - and fortunately it seems the SCUSD is leaning towards saving it as open space for usage by the local community, sports teams and perhaps for agricultural purposes as well (and hopefully for the protection of wildlife habitat)...



> 8 may 2006 - PETERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD (CONTINUED) - i found this baby ground squirrel on may 27th, 2005 right in front of the peterson middle school field bleachers...after taking this photo, i whisked the baby squirrel off to wildlife rescue in palo alto, and made a $10 donation...and since mating season is upon us again; burrowing owl/ground squirrel territory should be officially designated once and for all (see mission college section below) and any unnecessary lawn cutting (see: photo above), dog walking and/or any other invasive activities should be carefully avoided in some sensitive areas until after the ground squirrels' breeding season (tall grass will provide protection for the young ground squirrels)...once official habitat is designated and a fence is constructed around the newly designated territory, barn owl boxes can be brought into the pre-existing peterson nature area to expand the ecosystem and naturally control the ground squirrel population...

please demand that the SCUSD prepare a complete ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT on the peterson middle school field that goes beyond the WHITE PAPER cover-up - please call the SCUSD BOARD OF TRUSTEES @ (408) 423-2000 and/or email SCUSD superintendent roger adams @ radams@scusd.net and DEMAND ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTABILITY - thanks!

> OZAKI PLAZA or ROPER PLAZA? that is the question! - mister ozaki originally suggested this as the spot for new development, and i ran off with the idea, so i tend to think we should either call it ozaki plaza since mister ozaki came up with the idea, or roper plaza since mister ozaki's son came up with the name lik roper many moons ago (the term lik roper came from the term public property; the name of a now defunct cover band from palo alto - and public property is exactly what the peterson field is; therefore the public should decide what happens to it!)... 

> THE MASTER PLAN - redevelop the tennis courts and part of the pre-existing parking lot from what is now non-endangered cement and asphalt into high-density housing for instance (equalling roughly the same amount of acreage suggested by the current preliminary field plan give or take half an acre) - and make some of the housing available for peterson teachers to make it a 'feel good' proposition for everybody; develop two story structures with basements right where the tennis courts are - but no higher than the pre-existing fence - if not a little bit lower; along with a parallel section of currently under-used parking lot leading out to bryant way; then create a new tennis court right where the outdoor basketball courts currently sit, leaving maybe one or two outdoor basketball courts by the parking lot adjacent to the new tennis courts; with a good 20-30 foot buffer zone with some sort of sports ball retention fence on the tennis courts between the new tennis court and the pre-established nature area - which supports many different species of life - with no outdoor lights to protect both human and wildlife environments; and a few more wall hoops added to the warm up room next to the gym, for instance...

LRE note: i attended school for almost 12 years and know how to read quite well, so i do not need some biased judge interpreting environmental law in a watered-down fashion in order to please their developer friends and move forward an illegal housing development, AS NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW - i have seen BART construction in SF halted due to the precense of one dead alameda whipsnake - and last year the SCUSD ILLEGALLY POISONED several protected ground squirrels (SEE: SUPERBIRDLAND! ARCHIVE: A PUBLIC RELATIONS NIGHTMARE FOR THE SCUSD) - so do they consider this an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND/OR E.I.R., or what!?! - email the santa clara District Attorney's office @ webmaster@da.co.scl.ca.us - and DEMAND JUSTICE!




 >>> canadian geese at the corn palace field in sunnyvale - still in denial about global warming?...this is the simple equation of combination human/wildlife habitat; preserving agricultural land (human habitat) = preserving wildlife habitat (photo by lik roper)


>>> egret feeding in the peterson nature area

>>> SAVE THE PETERSON FIELD! - NO BULLDOZING THREATENED AND/OR ENDANGERED SPECIES HABITAT! - OVER MY DEAD BODY WILL ANY NEW HOUSES GO INTO THE PETERSON FIELD! - CALL ROGER BARNES AT THE SCUSD @ 408-423-2085 or 408-423-2000!!! <<< The Peterson Middle School Nature Area - In Peterson Middle School, a 1.8 acre science Nature Area was constructed to facilitate the understanding and appreciation of biological and environmental concerns. Veteran teacher Bryan Osborne supervised an effort that has spanned 2 decades. Beginning with a flat field, the school constructed hills, dug ponds, cultivated plants, and designed eight biological communities to demonstrate a broad range of biological and ecological principles operating in the world: Grassland, pond, swamp, redwood forest, riparian community, deciduous forest, portions of a chaparral community, and a bog...The Nature Area provides fertile ground for exploration, discovery, and experimentation. For example, a 13 1/2 foot deep pond (an inland depression containing standing water) provides many environmental conditions to study in its major biological zones: littoral zone (shallow waters around the edge of the pond); limnetic zone (open water around the center of the pond); and the benthic zone (at the bottom of the pond). Students learn that light, temperature, and oxygen are three of the most important variables influencing the type of life in each zone in the pond community. Sunlight can reach the bottom of the littoral zone, supporting rooted plants and filamentous algaes that create an environment conducive to other life such as damselflies and dragonflies, backswimmers, and diving beetles. In contrast, sunlight rarely reaches the bottom of the pond where flatworms live...

READ MORE @ http://www.ncsu.edu/meridian/jan98/feat_2/lrntech.html / OTHER RELATED LINKS - http://www.ncsu.edu/meridian/jan98/feat_2/lrntech.htmlhttp://peterson.ca.campusgrid.net/home/Nature+Area / http://peterson.ca.campusgrid.net/home

>>> the peterson field provides habitat for the california ground squirrel / spermophilus beecheyi - a protected species...some scientists theorize ground dwelling mammals survived the yucatan peninsula asteroid roughly 65 million years ago, and subsequent evolution led to the rise of upper mammals - but can spermophilus beecheyi survive homo sapiens, descendant of homo sapiens neanderthalensis?


>>> california supports a declining population of resident and migratory western burrowing owls (athene cunicularia hypugaea) and local observers have spotted at least one burrowing owl living on the peterson field within the past year - burrowing owls rely on abandoned ground squirrel burrows for shelter...


>>>  28 oct 2004 / ground squirrel burrows @ the peterson field - destruction of threatened or endangered species habitat carries with it multi-thousand dollar fines - but will the scusd and city of sunnyvale stick their heads in the sand and dig for loopholes in the law to shove through an anti-environmental agenda?...if so, they can stick their heads right through those same loopholes and string themselves up as far as i'm concerned (photo by lik roper)...

>>> ground squirrel info links : http://www.enature.com/fieldguide/showSpeciesIMG.asp?imageID=18801 & http://www.etc-etc.com/sqrlinfo.htm & burrowing owl info links: http://www2.ucsc.edu/scpbrg/owls.htm & http://www.delta.dfg.ca.gov/gallery/burowl.asp <<<

> 28 may 2005 - BABY GROUND SQUIRREL - i found this baby ground squirrel right in front of the peterson middle school field bleachers on friday may 27th...after taking this photo, i whisked the baby squirrel off to wildlife rescue in palo alto, and made a $10 donation...

> you can become a registered green party member @ http://www.cagreens.org/register/


> 12 apr 2006 / SAN JOSE MOUNTED POLICE - here's a san jose mounted police officer and his horse on wednesday, april 12th in front of original joe's italian restaurant in san jose @ first street and east san carlos street - READ THE HISTORY OF THE MOUNTED POLICE IN SAN JOSE @ http://sjmu.org/history.html - HORSE POWER @ http://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/09.25.97/horsecops-9739.html & MOUNTEDPOLICE.COM @ http://www.mountedpolice.com/

NEIGHBORHOOD COPWATCH - elvis nugent lives!

> 24 may 2006 / IN THE BEGINNING - for months back in 1998 i sent email messages to the city of sunnyvale complaining about the excess speeding in our neighborhood, and nothing was ever done about it, that is not until i received this message from the city of sunnyvale...shortly after receiving this message i almost got run over and was attacked by a neighbor who was one of the speeding offenders i had complained about to the city...

to make a long story short; 1) sunnyvale neighborhood police officer beninger ended up serving me with a temporary restraining order that if taken seriously would have prohibited me from standing in the same spot in the street where i got attacked!?! - in fact; i could not even be in my own house if i took this bogus temporary restraining order seriously, and - 2) officer beninger had the gall to show up in court to 'protect' and represent my attacker (!?!), and even seemed to be coaching them as witnesses!?!...

i showed up in court and accepted the bogus 3-year restraining order and only had a largely blanked-out 911 readout as evidence, and it looked alot like these neighbors might try to extort money from me (money i did not have) so i let them run me through and accepted the bogus order anyway, because i like courtrooms about as much as i like getting my teeth drilled at the dentist...

and the strangest thing about all of this?...after repeatedly calling the sunnyvale police department after being attacked by my hostile neighbor, asking for them to file charges, as this man was acting increasingly hostile after the attack - i finally left a note on my hostile neighbors' doorstep that said "you will be be charged with attempted vehicular manslaughter - merry christmas" (a friendly note which was used as 'evidence' in court!?!) - and you know what?; my brother died in a head-on collision exactly one year later on christmas eve, a collision deemed an accident but...and my hostile neighbor has since moved away...

and to top it off;- 1) the police chief quit his job shortly after the bogus restraining order was issued, an admission of guilt if you ask me because he never followed up on trying to contact me after this message was sent in mid december, and adding to this; - 2) shortly after my brother passed away the city of santa clara razed the mortuary where my brother laid in a casket a few months before and turned it into high density housing complex...

the city of santa clara has had it out for me ever since i spoke out at a few council meetings and made fools of them all on camera a few years back, and leveling the mortuary near where my mother and brother were both laid to rest was the city's way of showing me how they felt about the situation...this is where my beef with the city got personal, and i have NEVER forgiven them for retaliating against me in such a way...it just shows you how truly evil the government can be at times, and this is just one of the many reasons patricia mahan should NEVER be a county supervisor...what is she gonna do next?...turn the mission cemetary into a golf course?...i wouldn't put it past her...

anyway, mister-o's attacks against my neighbors' property have subsided lately (see MISTER-O segment below) and i thought his evil streak was over, but no - instead he threw a batch of duck food out into the street yesterday afternoon in attempt to coax the ducks into the street and get them run over; otherwise known as ANIMAL CRUELTY (i swept most of it into the gutter)...

then this morning i woke up to; a) feed the ducks across the street like i have done for many years as usual; - b) where i have permission to do so, and - c) where the CITIES SUNNYVALE AND SANTA CLARA BOTH INSTALLED duck crossing signs years back and have pretended not to see them ever since; i could hear mister-o (see MISTER-O segments below) yelling some kind of jibberish off in the background...

he started following me across the street to sic his dog on me (he's actually the nicest dog in the world) then came over onto my property, so i went and got the hose to spray him in self-defense and he started to flee the scene (it felt great to douse that crazy old fucker)...he then came after me again and i disappeared into the house and waited for him to leave, then came out to spray him again and disappeared into the house again!?! - at this point mister-o was livid (and soaking wet); but he was also on my property and attacking me so TOO FUCKING BAD!...

he eventually all-out violently attacked me (which i believe was witnessed by my dad) and even left his hat at the scene as proof of the encounter, and after pushing him 5-6 feet away a couple times (it felt alot like wrestling an angry pig) it seemed as though he wanted to kill me, so with his wife screaming at him in the background "fred stop it" "fred!" "fred stop it!" i broke away and went inside to call the cops as MISTER-O sprayed the hose at our front door, bringing water into the entryway...

the sunnyvale police showed up - and other than one good young cop with glasses - they were their usual idiot non-union sunnyvale cop selves; i just got violently attacked and was somewhat hysterical (this is the 3th or 5th time i have been attacked and the cops have done ZERO - NADA, SO YEH; YER DAMN RIGHT I'M HYSTERICAL!) and bitch lady cop starts insinuating that i was on drugs or something...

look here bitch lady cop; i know you're reading this because i told y'all about this web site, and even if i did smoke weed or something petty and LEGAL like that, it was 6 in the morning and NO; I DID NOT INHALE AND NO; I WOULD NOT HAVE TECHNICALLY TAKEN ANY BONG HITS AT THAT POINT IN THE MORNING EVEN IF I DID SMOKE WEED - AND BESIDES; WEED IS NOT A DRUG...

this is not china; this is in fact a democracy called AMERICA, so anyone who wants me to be afraid to speak out about what i (and roughly half the voting electorate) have voted for needs to go fuck him or herself...have i made myself PERFECTLY clear?...do you support the concept of deepened democracy, or not?...if not then leave the planet immediately!...can you see this purple paint on my finger? - forced silence to bring about a desired result does nothing more than suppress the truth, and the truth WILL set us all free...

anyway; i went inside to call the FBI citizen's complaint hotline for the 50th time, and made sure the cops outside heard me talking on the phone...the moment they heard the word 'FBI' they sort of jumped up and started going to work, walking over to mister-o's house...my dad went out to talk to the cops and bitch lady cop started asking him all kinds of out of bounds questions regarding my economic status, and even made some comment about my mental health of all things!?!...can anyone say 'psychological operations'? - how about 'debasement'?...i didn't think so...i just got attacked, and this bitch has the gall to question my mental health!?!...look sunnyvale police department; i've had it up to here with your bullshit, so if you have no intention of protecting and serving me, STAY THE F#%K OUT OF THIS NEIGHBORHOOD! - YOU ARE NOT NEEDED HERE!...

if a woman is hysterical after being attacked, she is a hysterical woman; but if a man is equally hysterical after being attacked, he is crazy?...is that it?...i'm crazy and you're hysterical, is that it bitch?...if so then go fuck yourself!...she is just another woman who is part of a larger problem; mandating that all men remain stuck in a devolutionary, insensitive, violent planet of the apes mindstate...decorum isn't even for city council meetings let alone for after one has been attacked! - you know; i get sick and tired of dealing with these spiritually dead decorum-obsessed government people...it's like they're all zombies or something...

tell you what; you bitches all asked for equality and liberation years back, and i still do not see this grand vision manifesting for the good of all yet...anything you can do, i can do, bitch!...and you know; i just got attacked SO WHO GIVES A CRAP ABOUT HOW MUCH $$$ MONEY $$$ I MAKE!$!...

bitch lady cop looked like your typical white american $$$ money-hungry whore $$$ with money-on-the-brain who goes around making judgements about people (and likely romantic choices) based upon economic status instead of character, or maybe she was just checking to see if i was in an income bracket that can afford a lawsuit - who knows...all i can say is lady, why don't you take your out-of-bounds questions and stick 'em you-know-where?...

LRE note: the real problem is this; as more people in the world get 'new world order-ized' so to speak by the bush administration, i remain free...and as people around me get increasingly 'new world order-ized', locked within their cubicles - believing all the federal governments' bogus propaganda etc - my freedom becomes increasingly strange - and even a bit dangerous - to many of these prisoners...and all simply because i chose an alternative lifestyle based upon interpreting my unalienable rights like 'the pursuit of happiness' ect - VERY SERIOUSLY...quite simply; the US government abhors freedom because they are not free themselves; they live highly constrained lifestyles, always looking over their shoulders hoping they didn't piss off the wrong person with one of their corrupt land-usage decisions etc etc etc...yes; we have inmates (the US government) at the prison running society from inside the prison walls, and they are jealous of the freedom the guards (citizens, taxpayers, the press etc) have outside the walls of their cells...this sort of makes prison gangs and government one and the same, does it not?...

furthermore; i got done with calling the FBI and went back outside, and proceeded to make the cops aware of my web site (and particularly the TRAFFIC PATROL section below) - i told them they are wasting their time sitting around at peterson when the kids are in lockdown during class...cops need to be out patrolling the neighborhood for speeders to keep the kids safe in the mornings, maybe lunchtime and especially after school - otherwise it is a waste and they should be out doing other things during lockdown...they agreed to stop the cakewalking and promised to be on it soon...

most of the officers left the scene except for two; one was the original dike lady santa clara cop from the first incident with mister-o (see MISTER-O continued segment below) and she had NO BUSINESS being at the scene as this was strictly a sunnyvale incident, according to the nice lady i talked to at sunnyvale internal affairs a few moments later...like the sunnyvale officers; if she has no intention of protecting and serving me, she has no business being in this neighborhood - give out speeding tickets or stay the fuck out!...you know; as an artist at least i do my job by questioning authority; cops need to start doing their job as well by protecting and serving - so get to work!...

and you know; even though on some level i really like the dike lady cop because let's face it; lesbian porn rules! everybody knows that - but! i must say that she strikes me as your typical biased female police officer (just like the bitch lady sunnyvale cop) who has it out for confident men, or just men in general - but the other cop was a pretty cool moustachioed sunnyvale cop who looked like a field commander or something who just wanted to leave and get back to work...instead of arresting mister-o, dike lady cop said she is going door to door soon in a neighborhood divide-and-conquer attempt to see who really likes the ducks - and who does not (i'll get 500 signatures by next week if you want to know who likes ducks, be-otch!)...for every person who hates the ducks, there are 15 who like them, and i can prove it...for every vocal critic there are 15 silent duck lovers...

you know people; we have environmental laws that protect these animals, so human opinion does not necessarily play into this situation, and that is precisely why we have these laws; to speak for those who cannot...if someone was going to eat you and you couldn't do anything to stop it, wouldn't you want someone to help you?...i would...

AND! IF YOU DON'T LIKE DUCKS, THEN DON'T LIVE AT AN APARTMENT COMPLEX CALLED THE LAKE TERRACE APARTMENTS LOCATED ON A STREET CALLED WOOD DUCK AVENUE!...MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THIS NEIGHBORHOOD IF YOU DON'T LIKE DUCKS!...I HAVE LIVED HERE FOR OVER 35 YEARS AND ONE OF THE THINGS THAT MAKES THIS NEIGHBORHOOD A NICE PLACE TO LIVE IS THE PRECENSE OF THESE DUCKS (and the peterson field which i helped save) - and other than some kind folks who live around town; this valley is largely paved over by cement and populated by a bunch of rude, hateful, violent, idiotic, overpaid, stessed-out silicon valley cublicle rats who have real no appreciation for the environment...

and! since when does the city ever actually listen to apartment renters?...they ignore them for everything else, then jump to the rescue when it is convenient for them to do so?...i can see right through you, SO LISTEN UP: i will be feeding those ducks until the day i die, so if you want to stop me, i suppose you will have to send the SWAT team after the brazen duck feeder, other than that you can go fuck yourselves (then all you crooked cops can go on vacation with the warm feeling of knowing you just removed a powerful activist from the fray, then recieve a medal for your good work or something)...

it's high time to wake up and realize that cops are crooked and african americans are not the only ones who experience discrimination, that is just the divisive, politically correct propaganda side of things the US government uses to divide and conquer the masses...all i can say is my latest encounters with law enforcement make me see all over again that most of what we see on TV etc about cops is just a show put on to make them look good, when in reality they more often than not fail to protect and serve...

the city of santa clara has known for years that i take care of the ducks they illegally displaced from the 1333 lawrence expressway pond, as this was a done deal years ago; and besides; SUNNYVALE NEIGHBORHOOD POLICE OFFICER BENINGER WAS THE ONE WHO ORIGINALLY TOLD ME TO GO OVER AND FEED THEM AT 1333 LAWRENCE EXPRESSWAY, which led to me continuing to do so ever since (please read the read the RRJ-# segment below)...

and! if you read in my BAD COP - NO DONUT section @ http://likroper.com.previewyoursite.com/OGNOCT2004JAN2005.html - the santa clara police have more often than not been crooked in my encounters with them, going back some 20 years or so...in fact; my dad went down to talk to a santa clara police officer about today's incident and the questionable cop behavior we experienced, and apparently he couldn't even look my dad in the eye when answering him (my dad was a loan officer/repo man for many years and he knows when someone is giving him a line of shit)...

the bottom line is this: i am one of those activists who represents, spreads and constantly re-interprets the concept of freedom; and i am also one of those activists who stopped a major development in the peterson field - therefore i am likely considered 'dangerous' and now a target for government retaliation...but unlike other weaker souls who have come before me; I HAVE A TRULY STRONG SPIRIT THAT CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE BROKEN...I WILL prevail and you WILL all come around to me, instead of the other way around; i guarantee it...the indecisive pedulum of politics may swing to and fro - along with the family jewels, but i will remain in the center unchanged and unfazed by its' contradictions, as fear is not a word in my vocabulary...

in retrospect; the sunnyvale and santa clara police departments did not coax me into doing something rash as they had expected or wanted, instead i did something i can live with (spraying mister-o with a hose) and although i forgot to tell him that marge simpson is sexier than his wife, that's ok - i can live with that...

> 5 jun 2006 - UPDATE / ALL THINGS MUST PASS - since the above segment was written things have calmed down considerably here in SUPERBIRDLAND!; mister-o is finally minding his own business; little dikey-o remains as vengeful and hateful as she was in kindergarten; crazy tom and i have agreed on a truce of sorts; RRJ-3 has hopefully learned his lesson and crawled back into the hole he came from; the santa clara and sunnyvale police departments are hopefully re-evaluating their policies and practices; and i continue feeding the ducks across the street from the lake terrace apartments where i am allowed to do so, because i am the rosa parks of duck feeding, and i aint getting up outa my seat! - also! there was a note attached to a tree in front of my buddy's condo where i was leaving the duck food to 'step the ducks over' to the new feeding spot on the corner, and the note told me to stop leaving the food under their tree, as the front yard of my buddy's condo actually leads to the front door of the front-side condo, and since these neighbors communicated their feelings in such a civilized manner, i immediately responded in an equally civilized manner by not leaving duck food under their tree - so let this be a lesson...

we thus hopefully end this period of neighborhood unrest here in SUPERBIRDLAND! - and from this point forward there will hopefully be no more duck feeders under siege as we move into a new era of peace and understanding on this planet we call earth - yes; this violent republican-inspired era will soon pass through the anals of time like one big oversized shit, and soon this SUPERBIRDLAND! web page will be archived for all of posterior - all for now...

> 23 may 2006 / TRAFFIC PATROL - i saw a motorcycle cop working the neighborhood yesterday, chasing speeders and handing out tickets in the process...good job!...also; last week on wednesday, the very next day after the incident with RRJ-3 occurred (see segment below) and according to an eyewitness account by a young neighborhood kid who was in the vicinity walking home from school when the gross exhibition of speed occurred "a blue mini van with teenagers in it" laid down some fairly large skidmarks on thunderbird avenue near dunford way - (see skidmarks) and took off down thunderbird towards lillick...i drove out to look for the mini van and saw two sunnyvale police cars sitting in the peterson parking lot empty!?!...

you know; police should only be at schools when a criminal act occurs, because most of the time they just sit around and play prison guard for kids locked within their classrooms anyway, and this is a waste of resources...

and while i am on the subject of prisons and prisoners; on may 21st RRJ-3 and what appeared to be the suspect in the blue mini van were making threatening gestures on wood duck avenue while moving down the street towards me on foot ...the very next morning, a duck was found lying dead in the street right where RRJ-3 was standing when making the threatening gestures (i moved the carcass before taking the photo)...

> 20 may 2006 / THE RETURN OF ROAD RAGING JACKASS 3 (RRJ-3) - on february 27th, 2006 RRJ-3 approached my vehicle while i was getting out to feed the ducks at the lake terrace apartments...he pretended to act like a cop around a time when the media was talking about false arrests being made by police impersonators, so since he had no uniform i turned my wheel to the right and attempted to leave, and he jumped in front of my vehicle...not knowing whether this guy was some kind of crazy car-jacker or what, i turned my wheel to the right again and attempted to leave, but he jumped in front of my vehicle again, so i put it in reverse and escaped down the street backwards, turning around near peacock court...

i came back and took this photo of RRJ-3 just to document the event because i knew this guy would probably be trouble again down the line, and sure enough i was right...here we are three months later and as i was going to leave duck food on my friends' property where it is legal to do so, out of nowhere jumps RRJ-3...i quickly got into my vehicle and he attempted to keep the door open like he was going to attack me, so after forcefully throwing him back about 4 feet with the door (much to his surprise - i could push him 10 feet if i wanted) i slammed it shut and locked it...

i said "what the fuck is the matter with you!?!" and he went ballistic and kicked my door panel, doing about $1000-$1500 dollars damage to my vehicle...i then went home and called the police and the first traffic officer came and heard my story then left to go find RRJ-3 as yet another officer showed up to hear my story again, and he seemed like a pretty good cop...i told him about how i had been contacting the SCPD professional standards division complaining about their lack of action regarding crazy tom and how they told me the lake terrace people just want less food left and how i was attempting to comply with these requests by leaving the food across the street on property where i am allowed to do so, etc...

the next cop was initially cool then kinda went bad on me after the initial traffic cop showed back up on the scene...RRJ-3 denied kicking my door and committing malicious vandalism, and i had no proof or witnesses of this attack (other than my bent-up door panel) because for the first time in weeks i did not have my digital camera and pepper spray cocked and ready to defend myself, so the cops just warned him and let him go...i drove by on my way to the chiropractor and RRJ-3 was sitting on his fat ass on the ground talking to the cops looking guilty as sin with his fat girlfriend at his side...

after visiting the chiropractor i came back to my friends' house across the street from lake terrace and got them to come outside an play some catch on the street with a football, something i will now be doing alot more of in the future, as i refuse to limit my civil liberties for terrorists in any way shape or form...after a while the manager of lake terrace drove up and told me that the owner doesn't like the ducks anymore and he is paving the pond over in june!?!...i told her that the local ducks have an imprint on this neighborhood and the lake terrace property and/or the area around my residence in particular, as the city of santa clara installed duck crossing signs on my street back in the environmentally-friendly 1990s...and! even if they pave the lake terrace pond, the ducks will still return every spring anyway...

and along with the SCPD; she seemed strangely unconcerned about the attack by crazy tom and the damage done to my vehicle, as if these are her thugs doling out her vigilante justice or something...all i can say is that she is a little bitch on a power trip who needs to go fuck herself (and you know; i have found a common thread between the people hassling me about ducks; they are all caucasians suffering from the same white person's anti-environmental disease most republicans suffer from and have spread throughout the land as of late, and i hate to say it but they make me somewhat ashamed to be white - as white people can often be some of the biggest pieces of shit around, being the relatively spiritually cultureless, genetically-altered hybrid race that we are - compared to the dogon tribe in africa for example)...

> also, believe it or not; while talking to the bitchy little apartment manager who thinks the world revolves around her, crazy tom appeared from behind the trees and i actually talked to him, shook his hand and essentially forgave him for his violent acts...even though he attacked me he seems like a pretty cool dude who cares about the ducks, but he just has a strange way of showing it...i essentially agreed to disagree with crazy tom and the apartment manager, then returned home...

LRE note: "I see the power game resting on three levels of force and fraud. First, earliest and still most powerful is the government racket itself, the monopoly on force (military power, police power, etc.) which allows the governing group to take tribute (taxation) from the enslaved or deluded masses. Second, derivative from this primordial conquest, is the landlord racket, the mammalian monopoly on territory which allow's the king's relations (lords-of-the-land) or their successors, today's "land-lords," to take tribute (rent) from those who live within the territory. Rent is the daughter of taxation; the second degree of the same racket. Third, the latest in historical time, is the usury racket, the monopoly on the issue of currency which allows the money lords to take tribute (interest) on the creation of money or credit, and on the continuous circulation of the money or credit every step of the way. Interest is the son of rent, the rent of money. Since most people engaged in nefarious practices are, in my opinion, very loathe to acknowledge what they are doing, and are addicted to the same hypocrisies as the rest of humanity, I think all power groups quite sincerely believe that what they are doing is proper, and that anybody who attacks them is a revolutionary nut. Outside of the Klingons on Star Trek, I have never encountered a real predator who justifies himself on Stirnerite or Machiavellian grounds. I really think Saroyan was right, naïve as it sounds, in saying that "every man is a good man in his own eyes." - ROBERT ANTON WILSON @ http://www.rawilson.com/papers.shtml

anyway; back in the mid 1990s the duck population was much bigger than it is now, so i do not see what the deal is; the flock is smaller now but healthier and more pure mallard than interbred duck as they were before...there are still some interbred ducks, just less of them...

and people have been feeding these ducks for years before me, so they became dependent on humans long before i came into the picture...there is a serious lack of available territory and/or habitat for the ducks, so all they can do is forage through the neighborhood, and there simply is not enough available food for them; thus supplementary feeding must occur - either that or the creation of additional habitat...

another thing nobody ever discusses is that these ducks are somewhere in between wild and domestic, as there is no official category for them, and this has happened because humans have so destroyed their original habitat and so paved over the santa clara valley and so ruined the riparian system of rivers that the ducks are being literally squeezed out of existence and/or becoming dependent on humans to survive...i saw the environmental disaster at 1333 lawrence exressway unfold a few years back (see photo below) and this simply cannot be allowed to occur again - 

> GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT! - this parcel of land in santa clara, california @ 1333 lawrence expressway was once a thriving biologically diverse habitat that used to be the old calabasaz creek...dozens of threatened mallard ducks along with many other species who lived here were either illegally slaughtered or bumped out to make way for this parking lot - including ground squirrels, a blue herring and indigenous fish species trapped when the old calabasaz creek was diverted back in the 1950s because of flooding, etc...making matters worse; the marina playa property across the street from 1333 lawrence was mitigated as replacement territory even though it has no real available food for ducks, and there is no real enforcement involved in the mitigation...

also; presently most of kaiser permanente that once did business here has moved from this location over to homestead and lawrence expressway, and now there is a new condo complex that needs a duck pond (see that new roof sticking out of the foliage just above the blue sign to the right of parking lot?) and ducks from lake terrace who need more available space as the neighborhood flock slowly returns to its' original numbers!?!...can anyone say "environmental disaster @ 1333 lawrence expressway?"...i didn't think so (destruction of an ecosystem = ecoterrorism, and the destruction of the 1333 ecosystem is a clear case of ecoterrorism if i have ever seen one)...

the hotel management chain that owns the 1333 lawrence property broke the law by pumping the then botulism infested water from the pond directly into the nearby calabasaz creek, and then cut down a majestic 100 year old tree that likely stood next to the old creek when ohlone indians fished and hunted here many moons ago...most of the foliage along the right hand side of the parking lot is indigenous growth from the old creek that used to serve as protected habitat for mallard ducks during mating season...

a santa clara city worker who used to spend time at this same spot back in the 1950s told me that at least some people who worked for the city knew this was the old calabasaz creek regardless of what the city manager recommended (the city manager said it was a man-made pond instead of natural, and that was largely what the city council based their decision upon) - paving over a natural body of water is illegal, and that is exactly what they did...and the net result of all of this is ducks who have since rebounded in population since the barbaric holocaust at 1333 lawrence expressway, with increasingly less habitat...and since the marina playa property has ducks that cross over the expressway and often use the lake terrace apartments as well, then lake terrace should logically be considered an extension of the mitigated 1333 lawrence expressway territory, should it not?...1333 lawrence was done in a rush with no public input, so i think this faulty decision needs to be revisited and reversed once and for all...

the day after i spoke about 1333 lawrence at a santa clara city council meeting - a) a meeting where i told the mayor and council that i am feeding the ducks at marina playa - and 2) where ex-mayor judy said; "well i guess we can't do anything about that" (yes; i essentially struck a deal with the city of santa clara many years ago on camera at a city council meeting, and it should be a done deal where they are the criminals, so why are they attempting to turn this one around on me?) - 3) a meeting where then council member patricia mahan gave me the DIRTIEST look i have ever received from a human being - yes, and i also had my civil rights violated when i was threatened with arrest by security guards at 1333 lawrence in the days after this - the same security guards who originally helped me circulate the petitions were then silenced and told to not talk to me if they wanted to keep their jobs...one of the female security guards who was on my side successfully sued her employers after this incident, but i perhaps wrongfully let it go...you can read more about the environmental disaster at 1333 lawrence expressway @ http://likroper.com.previewyoursite.com/onlygoodv10n3.htm - (scroll down to duck pond news)...the writing is a little disjointed as i wasn't as good of a writer then and had very little time to do it, but it sort of gets the point across nonetheless...it contains some arcane knowledge the world is not ready for yet, but other than that...

FURTHERMORE; you can email the santa clara city council and tell them how you feel about this issue @
MayorandCouncil@ci.santa-clara.ca.us - or the evil mayor of santa clara PATRICIA MAHAN @
mayormahan@sbcglobal.net - or call her @ 408-505-4989 and tell her to - a) stop politically retaliating against lik roper and his ducks through non-action, and - b) please protect the ducks at the lake terrace apartments - and there are surely environmental laws on the books that prohibit destroying habitat, so you can also email the California Attorney General's Office @ The California Department of Justice and bring this situation to their attention, or send snail mail to: The California Attorney General's Office - Attn: Public Inquiry Unit - P.O. Box 944255 - Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 / or VOICE MAIL @ 1-800-952-5225 (Toll-free in CA) or (916) 322-3360 / and you can contact governor ARNOLD @ governor@governor.ca.gov / ALSO! CONTACT YOUR CALIFORNIA STATE SENATOR(s) AND ASK THEM TO DRAFT EMERGENCY LEGISLATION WHICH PROTECTS COMBINATION WILD-DOMESTIC DUCKS AND THEIR HABITAT @ http://www.sen.ca.gov/~newsen/senators/senators.htp / AND! contact PETA @ http://www.peta.org/ - read about animal rights - wildlife FAQs - Covance Fined for Violations of the Animal Welfare Act & frequently asked questions about animal rights - but don't bother contacting the federal government, they don't seem to give a shit about anything other than war and/or terrorism...and i don't give a shit if we are in the midst of another evil republican era, we are collectively going forward - not back...oh yes; and if anyone out there has been convinced that violence is somehow acceptable to further the illuminati's evil goals - and feeding ducks is not, then go fuck yourself...

> it almost seems the sunnyvale and santa clara police departments are purposely letting my many attackers and illegal threateners go free (because i am an activist?) as they are either; - a) totally inept; - b) failing to protect and serve me in an attempt to coax me into doing something rash so they can finally say that i am the way they falsely portrayed me as being a few years back, then incarcerate me; or - c) not able to shoot people so easily anymore, but still able to encourage and embolden others to harass and attack people they do not like; or - d) all of the above...you know; it is not my job to deal with crazy idiots, as this is the job of the police department, and they don't seem to want to do their jobs...

and most important of all; please call the lake terrace apartments @ 408-243-7449 and tell the apartment manager that you want our neighborhood ducks' habitat protected, thank you! - DON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER! - and! if you live at lake terrace and want to be anonymous so you can lambaste your apartment manager via-email @ http://www.apartmentratings.com/ like you have always wanted to do; you can create free email addresses with a fake name or handle @ HOTMAIL - EXCITE & GOOGLE

IN RETROSPECT;  good questions - 1) why was a biologically diverse, natural pond allowed by the city of santa clara to be paved over for a parking lot? - they should have known this bad decision would eventually come back to haunt them - 2) why doesn't paving over endangered or protected species habitat constitute animal cruelty? - 3) why can't the 1333 lawrence expressway pond be restored with an extension that goes underneath the roadway to connect it to the other part of the old creek across the road @ the marina playa apartments to reduce roadkill from speeders who exit lawrence expressway at this point? - 4) why isn't lake terrace considered a natural extension of the marina playa territory mitigated after the destruction of the 1333 lawrence expressway pond? - 5) why does the city of campbell go so far out of their way to protect ducks, while the city of santa clara seems to go out of their way to harm them? - and finally; 6) why isn't the stretch of calabasaz creek between lawrence expressway and monroe made more riparian like the newly updated section of calabasaz creek between tantau and lawrence expressway? - ducks cannot feed on cement bottomed riverways so they have been forced out into the local community...

LRE note: a friend once told me that if you get into activism and start getting successful at it, the government will in a sense blacklist you and retaliate against you to make you pay for standing up to their corrupt conspiracy, and i didn't believe him - but ever since getting involved with stopping the development in the peterson field it seems the local government (s) clearly have it out for me to make me pay for speaking out and stopping their evil plans by, among other things; a) allowing me to be attacked and chased around the neighborhood several times and doing nothing about it ($$$ a violation of my civil rights $$$) - and b) allowing the lake terrace apartments to pave the duck pond almost right after the peterson field duel was won by the neighborhood, etc...in fact; the very week after i spoke at the sunnyvale city council meeting regarding the peterson field, the city of santa clara was already drafting local legislation to politically retaliate against me...can anyone say BIG FAT CIVIL RIGHTS LAWSUIT?...i didn't think so...read more @ http://conspiracycon.com/...

> 12 apr 2006 / SLOW DOWN SABER CATS - a very large blue 4x4 came ripping into the neighborhood this morning at around 6:30 am, and i have seen this same vehicle do this same thing many times before, so unless you all want me to post a video of your rampant law breaking on this web site, i suggest you all SLOW DOWN IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD...thanks...

> 10 may 2006 / GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION (CONTINUED) - i called the city of santa clara illegal dumping hotline yesterday and told them about mister-o's illegal dumping rampages (see stories below) and a city truck came by in the afternoon (yesterday i found out that the lady who lives at the property where mister-o was poisoning the ducks is so fed up with him that she is literally ready to move out of the neighborhood if he does not stop) i then came outside to greet the worker and told him about mister-o's childish antics, and speak of the devil; mister-o then drove up...

i pretended to not see mister-o as he approached as i have nothing to say to him ever again, and walked away when he got there, and i assumed the city worker straightened out mister-o and that would put and end to the nonsense, BUT NO! - instead about 30 minutes or so later 3 santa clara cops show at the front door wanting to talk to me about the situation...

gee, police resources are supposedly stretched to the maximum and there are not enough cops to even patrol our streets to stop the speeding, BUT THEY CAN ALWAYS FIND 3 COPS TO STOP THOSE BRAZEN DUCK FEEDERS!...well fuck you too then!...someone spits on the local 7-11 clerk and there is a warrant out for his arrest; i get attacked and stalked and menaced for weeks, and the cops do nothing?...can anyone say: 'crooked motherfucking pieces of shit?'...

anyway, one of the cops was a very nice lady who i did most of the talking to, and i actually liked her a whole lot, she had alot of spunk...she allowed me to say everything i needed to say and seemed to appreciate my brutal honesty and passion...

the other two were young cops, and let's just say; - a) i did not get a real intelligent vibe from either of them, and - b) one of them was another one of those openly racist latino cops i keep running into all the time - other than that; they seemed nice though...they basically told me to stop putting the duck food under the lake terrace apartment trees, and/or on the sidewalk or i would be cited for illegal dumping...yes; those crooked bastards turned around what i had just reported about mister-o and tried to accuse me of the same thing...

all i can say is FUCK THE NEW WORLD ORDER - see also: http://conspiracycon.com/ - yes, there is a MASSIVE CONSPIRACY now at work within the US government, and it is up to us as citizens and/or the people or america to undo the damage that has been wrongfully inflicted upon our system by the introduction of the USA patriot act and/or the evil neo-cons in control of our government at this time, etc...

furthermore; one of the cops even insinuated that ducks are sitting in the middle of the street on wood duck avenue at 4 am because of me or something...i told them that every year around the new moon of january and/or february the ducks come out of the shadows and roam the neighborhood ANYWAY, and this has been going on for years now whether i feed them or not (and i forgot to add this all-important point; whether i feed the ducks or not THEY WILL CONTINUE TO POOP JUST LIKE YOU AND I - SO GET OVER YOUR STINKING SELF!...I'LL BET YOU THINK YOUR SHIT DOESN'T STINK - WELL I'VE GOT NEWS FOR YOU)...

my point is this; anyone who wants me to stop feeding these ducks and allow them to die, and especially in the middle of the spring time - is sadly mistaken...how about we put mister-o in solitary confinement for animal cruelty and/or abuse and stop feeding him?...how about that?)...

(see video clips of baby ducks with their momma recorded yesterday on wood duck avenue clip 1 - clip 2)

anyway, i told it to them straight; if the cops are not going to do something about the violent offense by crazy tom that occured a few weeks ago (see CRAZY TOM section below - see: exhibit A / exhibit B / exhibit C / exhibit D) then they can forget talking about duck feeding...i fed those ducks for almost 15 years without incident until i was out of the blue attacked one day for it, so the SCPD either needs to: - 1) do their jobs as prescribed - 2) or go fuck themselves - NO BULLSHIT...

i then immediately followed the cops in my vehicle as they left my place of residence and went over to wood duck and benton to feed the ducks across the street (wood duck avenue used to have actual wood ducks before the orchard and its' trees were cut down and replaced by the lake terrace apartments, but now it has only mallards) and one of the cops remained to watch me place the food across the street on two properties of allies of mine, and right after i did this, i told him "one of my best friends since the third grade lives right here!" and he quickly left...

i used to leave the food across the street many moons ago, but too many arrogant silicon valley cubicle rats in too big of a hurry during the dot com boom ran over the ducks as they crossed to eat, so i started moving the food over to the lake terrace apartments long ago...and now the santa clara police are essentially forcing me to put the ducks at risk by moving the food across the street once again, which will likely cause massive carnage - and THIS WILL NOT BE TOLERATED...

the campbell police department recently had four detectives searching for the person who ran over ducks on camera at a car wash and it caused a national media outrage, so where are the lamos down at the santa clara police department when it comes to enforcing animal cruelty laws and making it safer for the ducks our neighborhood loves so much, let alone stopping the speeding?...can anyone say NOWHERE?...because of this obvious negligence, yesterday i called the professional standards department of the santa clara police department and bitched to them about this...

i think the lake terrace apartments and the cops just want to create another quick distraction from that violent idiot CRAZY TOM - but all i can say is this; i have now brought this whole crooked situation to the attention of the FBI citizen's complaint hotline 1-800-376-5991 (the FBI has recently set up a hotline for tips regarding public corruption at the local, state and federal level - the FBI investigates allegations of public corruption, such as embezzlement, extortion, illegal campaign financing, misuse of official position and bribery)...

and if you care lend to a hand in this situation; email the santa clara police department and tell them to get their stinking shit together NOW! @ police@ci.santa-clara.ca.us - or simply go to their web site @ http://www.scpd.org/index.html and/or their CONTACT US page @ http://www.scpd.org/contact_us.html and SOUND OFF! - and like i did yesterday; you can also call the professional standards department (the santa clara equivalent of internal affairs) of the santa clara police department @ (408) 615-4888 and/or the 24-hour number @ (408) 615-4700 to report any other corruption that you may experience on the part of the SCPD - you can also email the evil mayor of santa clara @ mayormahan@sbcglobal.net - or call her @ 408-505-4989 and tell her to stop politically retaliating against the mighty activist activist lik roper through non-action...

and most important of all; please call the lake terrace apartments @ 408-243-7449 and tell the apartment manager that you want our neighborhood ducks' habitat protected, thank you! - and! if you live at lake terrace and want to be anonymous so you can lambaste your apartment manager via-email like you have always wanted to do; you can create free email addresses with a fake name or handle @ HOTMAIL - EXCITE & GOOGLE

in retrospect; 1) if i can be attacked in front of my house twice within 6 months and the police pressed no charges; - 2) and if i can receive a bogus restraining order after being attacked and nearly run over in the street a few years back; - 3) and if i can be harassed by cops for everything from picking up litter in the neighborhood - to feeding ducks by some crazy idiot blocking my car (see: ROAD RAGING JACKASS 3 in the SUPERBIRDLAND archive); - 4) and have unrestrained speeding for a number of years in my neighborhood without action on the part of the city of santa clara or sunnyvale; - 5) and be chased around my neighborhood while distributing flyers by some crazy idiot the day before a city council meeting, then call the sunnyvale 911 to have them hang up on me; - 6) and if the SCUSD can poison threatened ground squirrels in the peterson field with no charges pressed; - 7) and if people can run over ducks by the DMV and the boardwalk apartments, and on the street by my house last year with no legal action taken right before a duck slaughter at a campbell car wash brought on 4 detectives to the case, etcetcetc; THEN I CAN FEED DUCKS AS WELL! - (i suppose if you are not a woman, child or a minority you get no protection nowadays, is that it? - well, i've got news for you; this was not rosa parks' intention, god bless her soul!)...

and! if the DA's office won't press charges against any of these other offenses, then why would they go after me unless they - A) have an agenda - or B) are mad at me and want to retaliate against me for stopping an illegal housing development by recently speaking my mind at a sunnyvale city council meeting and/or for openly disagreeing with the DA's office about key issues over the email to them in the past few months?...hmmm...gee, who would have thought that being attacked in the street could actually free me up and make me invulnerable to any political retaliation?...for once violence is good?...hmmm...i'll have to think about that one...well, it looks like i've clearly won this battle, so i will now bask in the glory of my obvious victory...all for now...

> 2 may 2006 / MISTER-O? (continued) - early this morning i went outside and found this female duck run over in front of mister-o's house, with her mate at her side...it was very sad because when i picked her up off the street he looked noticably disturbed about it and flew away...ducks mate for life and someone killed this duck's partner...and while i cannot say for sure whether mister-o ran over the duck or not - a) his truck was already gone when i found the duck, and - b) yesterday he went on another of his old-timer bleach rampages with his good buddy alzheimer on my neighbors' property (4 MAY 2006 - THIS JUST IN - click here to see mister-o sweeping duck food into the street on wednesday, may 3rd when he thought no one was watching him)...

(the pro-duck lady who lives at the property appears concerned about this behavior and is either unwilling or afraid to approach mister-o regarding his vinegar and chlorine tantrums,  and no animal cruelty charges have been filed at this time - mister-o probably believes all the bogus bush administration depopulation propaganda about bird flu - see TRUTH AND DARE in THE BACK DOOR web page and the CHLORINE section below - are the terms 'bird flu pandemic' and 'government-sponsored biological terrorism' related?)...

anyway; as i have said before; the campbell police department recently had four detectives searching for the person who ran over ducks on camera at a car wash and it caused a national media outrage, so please tell the santa clara county district attorney about this unfortunate incident @ webmaster@da.co.scl.ca.us - and the santa clara police department @ police@ci.santa-clara.ca.us - thank you...

 > 25 apr 2006 / MISTER-O (continued) - today as i was taking my cat into the house at around 4:30 pm, i saw mister-o walking his dog across the street...i made it look like i went inside then peeked out the window and saw him dump something into the duck food once again just like he did the other day (see: MISTER-0 posting below) - but this time it was chlorine bleach instead of vinegar...this is the kind of thing you might expect from a teenager, but instead it is being done by a senior citizen, of all things -

(CHLORINE is an extremely toxic chemical and is listed in the 1990s clean air act as a hazardous air pollutant. it's also on the EPA's right-to-know list, and in 1993 the american public health association issued a resolution calling for the gradual phaseout of most organochlorine compounds. chlorine bleach contains sodium hypochlorite, a chemical precursor to chlorine. any use of it will create pure chlorine in the environment. in addition to its' direct toxic effects on living organisms, chlorine also reacts with organic materials in the environment to create other hazardous and carcinogenic toxins, including chloroform and other trihalomethanes (THMs) and organochlorides, an extremely dangerous class of compounds that cause reproductive, endocrine, immune system disorders. chlorine and chlorinated compounds are also a prime cause of atmospheric ozone loss - excerpt from metro magazine)

also, crazy tom (see posting below) is up to his same old tricks as well, dumping duck food that i left for the ducks today down at lake terrace back on my front lawn - duck food that i vacuum up with my shop vac and take right back the next morning...it has a little dirt in it, but ducks eat dirt all the time anyway (i think crazy tom needs to eat some dirt)...the cops have told crazy tom that i am doing nothing wrong by feeding the ducks and he is feeling a little frustrated and helpless i suppose, and that's too bad...deep throat told me yesterday that tom is a construction worker/golfer with nothing better to do when he is off work than focus opon me, and this is rather bizarre if you ask me...could tom be part of a building industry conspiracy to retaliate against me for stopping development in the peterson middle school field?...hmmm...

anyway, last night as i was talking on my cell phone to a bass player friend of mine while sitting in my vehicle out front, i caught crazy tom dumping duck food on my lawn at around 8:30 pm...he walked up out of the dark with a bucket in his hand and dumped the food out onto the lawn (like he has done every day so far this week) then walked across the street to look at my neighbor's private property where other duck food is located...i waited until he was halfway down the street then started my engine and flashed my headlights to let him know i saw him, and he ran around the corner...

he pulled the same duck food lawn dump tonight, but when i went over to bring it back he was laying in wait hiding behind a tree...i called my friend who lives across the street and told him to come outside and witness any funny business, so he came outside with his roomate and saw crazy tom jump behind a tree...i then went back as a mercenary on my bike and returned the duck food at around 9:30 pm and as i rode off on my bike crazy tom jumped out of the darkness and said; "i caught you dummy, you're going down"...then at exactly 11:00 pm some car did a lame retaliatory burner out in the street outside my house...if someone wants my fear - they haven't got it...all for now...

> 23 apr 2006 / INTERNAL AFFAIRS - i called internal affairs last week down at the sunnyvale police department and brought the current situation to their attention (see below) as well as many other questionable situations that have occurred in the past; for instance - A) the bogus restraining order given to me after being almost run over and attacked by a neighbor (who has since moved away) a few years back...i had been emailing the city of sunnyvale for months, asking for assistance to slow the speeding in my neighborhood when i was almost run over and attacked by this neighbor...

i called 911, three police cars came and my neighbor corroborated the entire story about the attack from his workplace (after fleeing the scene) to then rookie officer discher (who did a very good job, by the way) and i did not press charges, but somehow ended up with a temporary restraining order a few days later (!?!) - 1) after repeatedly calling the non-emergency sunnyvale police phone line asking for assistance with this irate neighbor after experiencing a change of heart regarding pressing charges against this man, who became increasingly hostile in the days following the initial event - 2) and! after being hung up on by rookie officer discher's big brother dean once i told him that i had no real intention of filing a lawsuit against the city (a friend told me that 'fixing the situation' is a crooked trick they teach police officers down at the police academies)...

police officer beninger showed up at the civil court hearing and coached my attacker and his ridiculously hysterical wife in front of an obviously suspicious judge (witness tampering), but all i had was a severely blanked-out 911 readout, so i made the mistake of letting the judge run me through after being convinced by officer beninger that i had somehow done something wrong by merely leaving a note threatening legal action on my neighbors' property; neighbors who told two clearly opposing stories on their depositions, etc -

B) a rap record label owner from east palo alto repeatedly threatened my guitar player friend jimmy and i a few years back, and spit on me (spitting on someone is considered a form of assault) during OZZFEST at the shoreline amphitheatre a few years back, an event which was captured on surveillance camera...i went out to the front of the amphitheatre and told mountain view police officer 'jose' and his caucasian cop buddy about the threats made towards me - and how i was spit on, and officer jose then told me "you've got about one minute to get the fuck out of here" (!?!)...

i went to the sport's page bar after this and told another cop about the salivary incident with the rap record label owner, and he looked like he had to take a piss all of the sudden and disappeared off into the night!?!...i then reported all of these incidents to the mountain view police department the very next day via email, and all of my computer files were strangely eaten by a virus a few days after this...i brought this situation to the attention of the BIRDLAND neighbors group, and friendly neighborhood cop dean discher allegedly got me kicked out of the group (thus the mighty SUPERBIRDLAND! was born) -

C) one night last summer some crazy punks from down the street came to my front door at 2 am and woke up the whole house, and after making threats etc, the cops let them go even though i was attacked by one of them and they had no license plates on their car!?!...you know; if i went to an african american's house at 2 am and did the same thing these punks did, it would be considered a hate crime - D) i was chased around the neighborhood for about 15 minutes by some maniac in a large grey 4x4 truck the day before i spoke at a city council meeting regarding the peterson field (see road raging jackass 1 in the SUPERBIRDLAND! archive) and among other things, the 911 operator hung up the phone on me when i called for the police to intervene in the situation (!?!) - E) the palo alto police department refused to intervene and essentially hung up on me after i was illegally challenged to a fight by michael finley a few weeks back - and since michael called me, i recorded his voice message threat into my digital recorder and plan on using bits and pieces of it in my upcoming cd recording - F) the sunnyvale and santa clara police departments BOTH ignored exculpatory evidence by not talking to my neighbors across the street who witnessed the recent brazen daytime assault by crazy tom (who continues to harass and menace) and even after bringing these witnesses to their attention - also, i'm almost sure the same cop who let off the punks in section C also let off crazy tom as well - etc...

such utter and almost seemingly purposeful negligence on the part of these local governments (and/or such obvious retaliation against an activist?) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED - and! if the santa clara and/or sunnyvale police departments continue their refusal to protect and serve me, I WILL PROTECT AND SERVE MYSELF, and more than likely serve them with a major civil rights lawsuit...

"All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume" - Noam Chomsky

> 15 apr 2006 / MISTER-O - this morning i went across the street to feed the ducks where i have done so with permission from the property owners for many years, when mister-o unexpectedly yelled "i'm gonna kick your ass!" from over yonder...i then went inside the house and looked out the window to see him walking over to where i just fed the ducks, pouring an unknown substance on the duck food from a container...i grabbed my video camera and went out to the corner of the street, then pointed it at mister-o as he was walking away to confront him about what he had just done (see video clip) then i washed away the remains of what turned out to be vinegar, of all things...he said "that'll that take care of the problem" or something like that, and i said a few choice words back to him as well...

mister-o has been essentially menacing and harassing me for months every time he walks his dog past my house, and mainly because his best buddy next door was forced to move out of the house that he rented for only $1800.00 dollars per month for many years...this 20+ year renter friend of mister-o's was so distraught in the days after finding out he had to move that he displaced his anger by going off on me and starting an argument one day with his other bald friend...they came over onto the lawn where i was spraying down the sidewalk and did everything but push me, and they are lucky i didn't spray them with the hose i was holding...maybe i did spray one of them...hmmm...i can't remember that part...i hope i did for that matter...

anyway, i could tell for a few weeks that renter bob was angry at me, so i was avoiding any eye contact with him, but he finally came out of his house to approach me like he was laying in wait inside of his family room, peeking out the front window waiting for me to feed the ducks or something (i know, this is bizarre, is it not!?! - we have a sort of 'surveillance-obsessed' culture in america right now where some people actually think your private business is their business, and i find this trend rather unsettling) - i finally yelled some shit back at him and this set him off...

this guy didn't say ONE BAD WORD about the ducks for years, until he found out he had to move...in fact; he was a one of my major neighborhood allies right up until this event occurred, so go figure...(oh and as for all the latest bird flu propaganda floating around; bush announced the bogus and remote possibility of a 'bird flu' pandemic the very next day after i posted IMPEACH BUSH on this web site, so go figure about that as well - read the TRUTH AND DARE section of THE BACK DOOR web page)...

furthermore; mister-o is your typical salty 70-80 year old violent-minded republican ex-navy man, but he is acting more like a teenager at this point...he has been kicking duck food out onto the sidewalk across the street for quite awhile now every time he walks his dog (out to the peterson field that i helped save, by the way) and making a mess in the process...he has also been yelling at me from a distance for awhile as well, desperately trying to start something but i have resisited the urge up until today...i think mister-o just needs to mind his own business, but since he clearly is not;

it is amazing that mister-o and i have gotten along at all in the past few years since the silent evil within the santa clara government brought us together as neighbors over speed humps a few years back...there has been an unspoken and ongoing 'hatfields & mccoys-like feud' so to speak between our two families (in other words; an almost amish cold-shoulder treatment and/or conscious aviodance of the o's by members of our family) ever since one of the little-o's went on a violent kiddie rampage in our living room many years back, knocking over a large hutch onto a baby grand piano (the same piano i used to record bass for the first few lik roper cds) and just before running out the front door and slamming the screen door (smashing the glass in the process - glass that was never repaired) - and with no apologies whatsoever (interesting fact: little-o taught me the word 'fuck' in kindergarten)...

this same little-o bragged to me about torturing animals way back in grade school, and sometime after high school he ended up going on an exciting, cocaine-fueled interstate liquor store robbing spree, and was finally caught in oklahoma...for the first few weeks in jail, little-o sat in a roughly ten foot long, two foot high and wide cell with food shoved under the door, and while i have grown to forgive little-o for what he has done in the past, that forgiveness has turned into action as he is a major reason i am an animal rights activist to this day...

> 15 apr 2006 / ON THE SIDEWALK - a very nice santa clara cop came by the other day, and in the nicest way possible (and as an obvious distraction from yesterday's attack) said that the lake terrace apartments are now thinking about shaking me down in court - just like they do when they raise $$$ rents - over duck feeding, and he even went as far as questionably gathering my personal information so that it can be leaked to the lake terrace apartments for usage in court...they are now suddenly claiming that there is 'vermin' at the lake terrace apartments (see CRAZY TOM section below) because of the duck food i leave, when i leave only enough to be eaten that day...

the cop said this; a) he is on my side and feels that what i am doing is a noble thing to do, and - b) the purported rodents - if there are any as no evidence has been shown to prove this presence - are coming from the creek nearby because they in fact live there, and the creek habitat has been flooded for over a month straight now and they are moving to higher ground...

all i can say is this; if i am served with any shakedown subpoenas over duck feeding i PROMISE to pull an eddie money by ripping them up and throwing them back in your face, right before slamming the door and/or chasing you off my property!... i am not a pawn renter who must answer to the gods of the lake terrace apartments - i am free, so go fuck your crooked california legal system!...i have been physically violated and want to be protected EQUALLY like our legal system protects women, children and/or minorities - (example: i recently witnessed some punk simply spit on the owner of a nearby 7-11, and that same punk now supposedly has a warrant out for his arrest)...

> why is it that if crazy tom was an african american, he would likely be in jail right now for simply being violent like he is stereotypically supposed to be, and if i was an african american, crazy tom would likely be in jail right now for committing a hate crime?...this contradiction makes me rather uncomfortable...no matter which angle you look at it; violence is still violence - hate is still hate - institutionalized racism is still institutionalized racism - and retaliation against an activist is still retaliation against an activist...

i think the lake terrace apartments just want to create a quick distraction, but all i can say is this; i have now brought this crooked situation to the attention of internal affairs at sunnyvale public safety and the FBI citizen's complaint hotline @ 800-376-5991 (the FBI has recently set up a hotline for tips regarding public corruption at the local, state and federal level the FBI investigates allegations of public corruption, such as embezzlement, extortion, illegal campaign financing, misuse of official position and bribery) and! the brazen attack by crazy tom is still under investigation thanks to good cop officer chavez...the city of sunnyvale tried this shit a few years ago by serving me with a restraining order through their buddies down at the divide-and-conquer civil court after being almost run over and assaulted by a neighbor (the police chief stepped down shortly after this occurrence and the nightmare neighbor has thankfully since moved away)...

THE SIDEWALK is public property (the name LIK ROPER came from the term PUBLIC PROPERTY) and for now i will continue leaving the duck food on the sidewalk as i did yesterday...i used to leave it on the other side of the street as i have allies other there, but too many ducks were being run over by idiotic silicon valley cubicle rats in a big hurry to get to work, so i refuse to leave any duck food across the street - sorry about that...campbell police have four detectives looking for the guy who ran over ducks at the car wash, but unfortunately the city of santa clara doesn't step up to the plate when it comes to this kind of thing...all for now...

click here to read the San Jose Mercury-news' much-heralded 'Tainted Trials, Stolen Justice' series - or go to: http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/special_packages/stolenjustice/ - ALSO! click here to read what the San Jose Mercury's much-heralded 'Tainted Trials, Stolen Justice' series didn't say about the District Attorney's office - or go to: http://metroactive.com/metro/04.12.06/sinunu-0615.html

> 11 apr 2006 / CRAZY TOM - while on wood duck drive @ benton street today, crazy tom appeared out of nowhere at the lake terrace apartments and started yelling at me about feeding the ducks that i have fed for the past ten years or so...sick and tired of being hassled by the three or four 'stick-in-the-mud anti-duck idiots with an agenda' here in the neighborhood, i ignored him and went back to my vehicle and drove away...i drove by a few minutes later to record his threats on video, and when i got home he was there already and yelled "i know where you live!"...he continued to make threats, which i captured on video file (see exhibits A through C below) - i then called the sunnyvale police and officer cortez (good cop) was first to show up on the scene, he left and returned with another officer (bad racist cop) after talking to crazy tom, but crazy tom gave them an entirely different story (crazy tom has a criminal record which the police could not disclose)...

strangely; both officers ignored gathering any exculpatory evidence by refusing to talk to neighbors across the street who witnessed the assault - but it think the following video evidence speaks for itself - click on the following links: (exhibits A-C are windows media video files - or .wmv files - and exhibit D is a photo) - exhibit A / exhibit B / exhibit C / exhibit D - good luck trying to cover up THIS evidence city of sunnyvale! - you know; i REALLY wanna hate crazy tom, but he's so fuckin' hilarious in the video footage it is rather difficult for me to do so...today's lesson: there is not one fool on the face of this earth worth losing any teeth or blood over...

> 16 may 2006 / LRE note: in retrospect; while it is rather insulting that i should have to explain what should be obvious to any intelligent, civilized human being; the last few years of republican rule here in america has apparently brought back humankinds' violent and/or devolutionary (and/or primal - if you will) mindstate, and because of this i feel strongly compelled to comment on the current situation: 1) i have always believed that within the heart of almost all violent people lies a sensitive soul who lacks control, as one who is in control, controls oneself, and; 2) losers essentially have nothing to lose because they have already lost it, and; 3) being violent does not make you a macho or tough, it just proves that you are a fucking idiot, also; 4) my father taught me from day one that violence was no solution for anything, as violence only begets more violence (and psychological testing is only required for those who are a harm to themselves or others), and besides; 5) it takes a bigger person to walk away from a violent situation, as one who does so actually exudes more bravery than one who allows oneself to be drawn into its' evil, and; 6) oftentimes people mistakenly connect violence with heterosexuality when there really is no connection; as there are just as many violent gays in the US military (for instance) as there are violent 'neanderthal' men; making them in a sense one and the same; and since they often all have to take showers together in the barracks or lay in piles on the beach for navy seal training with no chicks in some kind of weird hetero/homo ritual (etc) - its' really all about don't ask - don't tell; 7) heterosexuality is really all about getting laid and i probably got laid more than all of you put together 15 years ago, back when sex was legal; 8) also; if you take into consideration that i am a drummer, if i break any bones in my hands i will not be able to play those drums, and there is not one stinking piece of shit on the face of this earth worth losing even one day of drumming over, and; 9) the only other alternative is to grab a big stick and...but life in jail just doesn't seem all that appealing to me, and besides; 10) i'm just too pretty; 11) but! if you want to bang your head against the prison wall, feel free to do so - although i would advise against it...

violence in any shape or form is clearly against the one law of the witch; SO DO WHAT YOU WILL BUT HARM NONE AS ALL YOU DO SHALL RETURN IN THREES - all for now...

THE MERCIFUL ROPER; DEALING WITH IDIOTS - the computer keyboard is mightier than the sword

A) the first time i can remember dealing with violent idiots was at taco bell in santa clara on el camino real way back in the cruising days...i was hanging out with two chicks who happened to laugh at a joke of mine, then look over at some strangers at an adjacent table at around the same time...these strangers of course thought the girls were laughing at them and came over to hassle us...i had my skateboard in my right hand by the trucks and one of them backed me up for about ten feet or so, then i reared back and swung the skateboard and stopped six inches from his head, then said something like this; "i had mercy on you - stupid fuck, so why don't you get the fuck out of here now?"...me and the girls fled the scene and came back a half an hour later to find out from a witness who was originally on the scene that our assailants had come back with steak knives, and the santa clara cops had come and gone...

B) the second most memorable time was at the cow palace in south san francisco at an aerosmith/skid row show way back when skid row leader singer sebastian bach was violently punching at the camera in his videos...once again i was with two girlfriends of mine looking for a ticket for one of them when trouble walked up...we had been talking to some short guys who happened along, asking them for a ticket - when some really tall guys who were acting like they were on meth or something came along and started hassling the short guys...i said something like "hey don't ruin their night, why don't you guys get out of here!?!"...saying this was taken as a challenge of course, and one of the guys came at me...

i grabbed his punching arm and pulled him towards me as i tripped him up with one leg (a standard judo move i learned at peterson high school from our football coach while in judo class - thanks mister sepulveda) but this only angered him and he came at me again...this time i grabbed a pipe that was sitting in a truckbed right next to me and he backed me up while i wielded the pipe in defense...he saw that i had no real intention of inflicting harm upon him - as it was just a deterrent of sorts, and he started punching away as i dropped the pipe...

my longtime neighbors the martinez family had taught me how to spar and box and cover-up when necessary when i was very young, so i managed to cover up but he still got a knuckle through and cut my lip a little bit...other than that i was unscathed (thanks to the martinez family) - i then ended up in the hands of a really big guy (bigger than me at 6' 2") but much to his astonishment, i threw his hands up into the air away from me, as i used to military press about 225 pounds back in high school (while sittting in a chair by the way, and i still lift weights regularly even though i did not at the time of the fight)...the funny thing about this segment of the altercation was that at one point this attacker turned to hit one of the girls, and the whole divided crowd of men came together for a split second and yelled "DON'T TOUCH HER!" before returning to the brawl at hand...it was beautiful...
i moved around the car that i came to the show in to protect myself and yelled at the tall guy "your parents really fucked you up didn't they!?!"...he then went ballistic and took out my girlfriends' side window with his fists...his friends said; "wow dude, his parents are dead!"...ok, so now i'm supposed to be sensitive with the feelings of my attacker?...yeh right!...anyway, so not only did i get this guy's goat, but i rode that little puppy straight out of town...security guards who were standing watching the whole altercation then moved in to 'help' after the fact...

seeing the girls' window in pieces on the ground, his friends said "let's get out of here" and they left...i looked down at the ground and it turned out that the guy who took out the side window had dropped his ticket, but now the girls were mad at me for some reason!?!...i could have sold (and/or scalped) my two tickets to at the front door for $75 a piece and took a cab home with money left over, but taking a chance i gave her the lost ticket regardless of her bitchiness...

i was desperately looking for a friend to ride home with so i could ditch the now angry bitches, and i saw a drummer friend of mine named keith who agreed to take me home, AND HE HAD BONG HITS!?!...yes!...i went to the bathroom for a minute and lost keith temporarily, then went back with my tail between my legs to the girls for a few minutes, but they were giving me the evil eye like never before, so i followed them around like a little doggie for a few minutes until i saw my buddy keith again, then ditched the angry chicks and hitched a ride home with him...

C) last year right after a Y&T show at the avalon club in santa clara, some short, frumpy and therefore angry dude was obvioulsy jealous that i was talking to too many women in the club (as i am SO incredibly badass when i'm really drunk and it was just my night that night - lots of female admirers) and he 'cold-cocked' me by body slamming me from my blindside like ronnie lott, knocking me to the ground...i jumped up and grabbed a VERY LARGE bar stool and came at him, then stopped right before hitting his head and said "what are you chicken!?! bok bok bok!" (simulating a chicken noise) as he jumped back in fear...

i then grabbed my cell phone and started calling 911, but he slapped the phone out of my hands and it fell in three pieces on the ground...i picked it back up and slapped it back together, and it still worked like a charm!...yes!...i then said " i'm going to take a picture of you and send it to the police" as i followed him out to the front door...i got a perfect shot of his ugly mug, but accidentally erased it before saving the photo...he thought i saved it anyway and was clearly freaking out about it...i then said something like "i've got nothing against you dude, it's all about peace and love" as i shook his hand and forgave him for the attack (i think he was on meth like the cow palace dudes likely were in section B) - his tall buddy said to me "you handled that very well", and they left the club...

> 15 apr 2006 / VALLEY OF THE JERKS - an old lady who used to live just over the back fence from me passed away a few years back, and she once told me that during the last republican presidential era of reagan and bush senior (the last era of huge military buildups), nobody seemed to care about anybody else but themselves...it was a selfish, dynastic era of the super-rich and the ultra-poor, and people were generally either angry and downtrodden, or greedy, rich, rude and heartless (to me these are similar, 'primal' if you will, neo-cortex driven mindstates) - and bush junior is the 'logical' protraction of this dynasty...

(the insider traders/traitors who profitted from the fall of the stock market back in 1987 also caused those who made under $13,000 yearly to owe 10 cents for every dollar earned after the dust settled, and needless to say; we are in the middle of yet another heartless republican era of moneyed opulence and military-industrial 'complexity' - see the permanent war economy by noam chomsky @ http://thunderbay.indymedia.org/news/2005/08/20979.php)...

i have been visiting santa cruz a whole lot lately, and i cannot help but notice how kind and friendly the people are, and how they seem to truly care about the environment and wildlife in their midst, and how they do not litter etc...santa cruz is a truly progressive place environmentally and socially, 50 years ahead of most places on earth (regardless of the right wing bushwackers in control of the city government at this moment) - but the silicon valley is another story altogether...

anyone out there thinking about moving to the silicon valley; forget it – 1) it’s full of a bunch of rude, stock option obssesed idiots; everything’s overpriced, including most of the available women, who often surround themselves with protective 'sexual harassment force fields' of sorts (which they aquire at their semiconductor plants from that bitch in the sensitivity training office) - and this bitchy force field often goes out to the bar at night as well; 2) while people here are generally more tolerant than most places on earth, subtle reverse racism still exists as an undercurrent among the diverse peoples of the silicon valley (largely driven by the divisive perspective of the SJ mercury news and/or seemingly purposefully divisive government propaganda - see: 'divide and conquer'); 3) people drive around like maniacs and actually run over more people here than anywhere else in america, and the cities won't do anything to stop it - as long as you're not on drugs, you're off the hook; 4) in santa cruz almost everyone smiles all the time, even the homeless - but here in the silicon valley you can see car after car passing you with frowning person after frowning person because the highways are clogged to the gills - some of these folks sit in traffic for weeks at a time and never get home; 5) the male to female ratio in the silicon valley is about 10-1, so consequently almost every low income man in san jose is now a registered sex offender (thanks to the perpetually biased views of deputy DA karen sinunu and sheriff smith - they would probably have all men castrated if they had their way...see what happens when women get in power?...so, do you still want hillary clinton to be president?)...rape used to be some freako jumping out of the bushes at night, but now they've got it rigged so all sex is rape if she says it was...can anyone say eunuch?...did we have the sexual revolution to have it hijacked by women and/or religious zealots in government?...good luck having fun out in the asexually legislated, de-sexualized silicon valley dating world!; 6) the orchards have been all but paved over, and except for a few last refuges, most of the original wild environment has been all but paved over as well, leaving it an environmental semi-dead zone on the valley floor (many silicon valley industrial zones have been mass-planted with male trees which are 'less messy' - but also provide no food for wildlife); 7) silicon valley people litter like no other place in california - you know; even pigs don't litter; 8) a kaiser permanente hospital was recently built right next to a superfund cleanup site that the computer industry created long ago (go to: http://www.svtc.org/ ); 9) democracy is dead because the semiconductor industry and various other corporate entities control local government - etcetcetc...

while the silicon valley has many truly kind and friendly folks which i smile at and wave to with regularity, the jerks outnumber the cool people by far at this point in time...just because there are jobs here does not necessarily make it a great place to live…i tend to think there are more rude idiots here in the silicon valley per capita than anywhere else in the world (other than LA)... but! we do have about 26 miles of heavily wooded mountains between here and santa cruz, miles and miles of pristine coastal land to explore within an hour drive, and mountains just to the east as well - adding to this; it's also just a hop, skip and a jump to carmel, half moon bay and san francisco, so it's not all bad...

THE BOTTOM LINE IS THIS; not only do MEAN PEOPLE SUCK (this is an eternal truth) – but they are also in a sense mentally ill or deficient, or just emotionally unintelligent in general, so don't hold it against them as they likely know not what they do...


SUPERBIRDLAND; A TRULY GREAT COMMUNITY ACTIVISM WEB PAGE - SUPERBIRDLAND! rides that rapidly disappearing line between hard news and neighborhood gossip, and is officially dedicated to the gadfly community activism of LIK ROPER in his hometown of Sunnyvale, California - WARNING: world domination is imminent! we're takin' our neighborhood back - machine politics is coming to an end here in sunnyvale ONCE AND LITERALLY FOR ALL! - *this web page is not for the opinionatedly unchallenged - in other words; too fuckin' bad if you don't like it! - *no government regulated mainstream media brainwash, i will call it like i see it - *no collective dumbing down of society to moron level - (the definition of moron from my merriam-webster's computer dictionary is: 1 - a person having a potential mental age of between 8 and 12 years and capable of doing routine work under supervision & 2 - a very stupid person...that's what it says!) - *you must be over the collective age of 90 to read this publication, whatever that means - *if you happen to agree with what is written in this web page, then we mean every word of it, but if you are for some odd reason offended in any way, we are just joking and don't really mean any of it...and much like america - this is a dictatorially controlled web page aimed at deepening democracy - i am embedded journalist commander roper and i approve of this message - blah blah blah etc etc etc -

any questions, useless comments, suggestions or neighborhood news to post on the superbirdland! web page? - feel free to contact us...


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