> SCUSD COVER-UP - after telling roger barnes of the SCUSD about the wildlife in the field at a public hearing a few years back, someone ordered the squirrels to be poisoned and no one has ever been brought to justice for it (15-30 protected animals were illegally poisoned)...the SCUSD failed do a complete environmental impact report (EIR) and instead tried to cover-up the presence of protected wildlife by destroying the evidence of it, and the sunnyvale animal control failed to press charges against the SCUSD etc - this heinous crime will not be forgotten any time soon, and here is the photographic evidence; 1) EXHIBIT A - 2) EXHIBIT B - 3) EXHIBIT C - when i went to peterson high school they had a proud tradition of environmental protection, so what happened? - ground squirrels are almost cuter than bunny rabbits and anyone who harms them is not only a criminal, BUT ALSO A BIG OLD STINKY PILE OF DOG POOP! - AND! with the new FULL CIRCLE FARM being started in june 2007, we must be assured that this kind of senseless slaughter will not occur again - please email the farm manager @ ddraigkoch@yahoo.com and ask for assurance that no ground squirrel habitat will be adversely affected by the new organic farm...
(interesting fact: i recently spoke to the long-time maintenance man of the cabana club, and he said back in the 1970s there were somewhere between 15-20 burrowing owls living just behind the peterson field bleachers, and burrowing owls were seen as recently as two years ago living on and around the peterson field, and on the raynor park property as well, and since burrowing owls use abandoned ground squirrels burrows as habitat, then ground squirrel habitat is burrowing owl habitat as well)