while i continue to use the tap water to bathe and water plants etc, I DO NOT DRINK THE LOCAL TAP WATER, as i have known too many people who have died and/or suffered from cancer in this neighborhood, and since i really do not know the carcinogenic cause i am not taking any chances -- i get all my drinking water from WATER PALACE @ homestead and hollenbeck (408-738-0110) they distill their water instead of using reverse-osmosis filtration, which is much better as it restructures the water molecules - ALSO! check out the AQUA TECHNOLOGY WEB SITE @
CUPERTINO SUPERFUND CLEANUP SITES - 10900 Tantau Ave Cupertino, CA 95086-0717 / Superfund? Yes / Initial Investigation: 5/31/82 / Test Date: 8/17/92 / Plume Length: 2000 ft. / Plume Depth: 210 ft. / Contaminants: TCE - Inital Parts Per Billion: 15000 / Current Parts Per Billion: 210 ~ 111 TCA - Inital Parts Per Billion: 670 / Current Parts Per Billion: 9 ~ Freon 113 - Inital Parts Per Billion: 13 / Current Parts Per Billion: 8 / Source: Site Management System, Annual Report, May 1995, Vol. 1, California Regional Water Quality Control Board & Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition web site / GO TO: